Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (2024)

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This Sugar Scrub Recipe uses only four ingredients, goes together in minutes and makes a great gift as well! Be sure to make an extra batch to keep yourself. Sugar Scrub can be used on your hands after doing dishes, or keep a jar in the shower or near your bathtub. It’s a great way to exfoliate and moisturize at the same time.

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (1)

Welcome to Day 2 of the 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration! Each day we will beinspiring you with recipes, decorating ideas, crafts, homemade gift ideas and much more!

Follow along to be inspired!

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (2)

The options are endless for this Sugar Scrub Recipe, this time we made it with Peppermint for the holidays and winter time. Layer the scrub in small 4 ounce jars, tie with twine or ribbon and you have a fun little gift.

Once you try this scrub on your hands, knees and feet, I bet you will be making it with lots of different scents.

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (3)

Sugar Scrub Recipe


  • Sugar – you can use any sugar you have on hand. Regular granulated sugar works well for this hand scrub, and it works well for face scrub as well. But if you are making a scrub for your face be sure to use a finer sugar. This sugar scrub recipe is not intended for your face.
  • Coconut Oil – there are a variety of oils that you can use, however coconut oil (especially if you use an organic brand) is very nourishing for your skin.
  • Essential Oil – this time we used peppermint to go along with the holidays and colder weather, but any essential oil you want to use is fine.
  • Liquid Food Coloring – again, this is optional, but I just love having the scrub a pretty color. It makes me smile every time I use it.


Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (4)

How to Make Sugar Scrub

  1. For this scrub, we are dividing the sugar in half to make it look like peppermint. If you are only doing one color, you don’t need to divide it.
  2. Each bowl will have 3 tablespoons sugar mixed with 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil. Mix it really well until the sugar is completely coated with the oil
  3. Add a few drops of Essential Oil, the amount is totally up to you
  4. Then add a few drops of food coloring. Be sure the food coloring is liquid and not gel or paste. We used the same food coloring that we did on the Fluffy Slime.

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (5)

After the sugar scrub is all mixed, it’s time to add to the jars. We used 4 ounce jars with lids for gifts. If you aren’t giving the sugar scrub as a gift, you can add it to any size jar. Just be sure it has a lid and seals tightly.

For the peppermint layering, simply add a couple spoons full of the scrub to the bottom of the jar. Then begin layering the second color.

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (6)

And then add another layer of the first color. For these we added – white (or plain scrub), then red, then more white.

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (7)

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (8)

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (9)

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (10)

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Active Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 7 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

ThisSugar Scrub Recipeuses only four ingredients, goes together in minutes and makes a great gift as well! Be sure to make an extra batch to keep yourself.


  • 4 ounce jar with lid
  • 6 tablespoons Sugar, divided (for two colors)
  • 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil, divided (for two colors)
  • Liquid Food Coloring
  • Peppermint Essential Oil (or other scent)


  • Bowls
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Spoon or Stick to stir
  • Twine or Ribbon if giving as gift


    For this scrub, we are dividing the sugar in half to make it look like peppermint. If you are only doing one color, you don’t need to divide it.

    Each bowl will have 3 tablespoons sugar mixed with 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil. Mix it really well until the sugar is completely coated with the oil

    Add a few drops of Essential Oil, the amount is totally up to you

    Then add a few drops of food coloring. Be sure the food coloring is liquid and not gel or paste.

    After the sugar scrub is all mixed, it’s time to add to the jars. We used 4 ounce jars with lids for gifts. If you aren’t giving the sugar scrub as a gift, you can add it to any size jar. Just be sure it has a lid and seals tightly.

    For the peppermint layering, simply add a couple spoons full of the scrub to the bottom of the jar. Then begin layering the second color.

    And then add another layer of the first color. For these we added – white (or plain scrub), then red, then more white.

    Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe - Hoosier Homemade (2024)
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